McGuckian Oils Budgeting Plan
With the McGuckian Oils Budgeting Plan you know that your home heating oil costs are covered with regular weekly / monthly payments taken directly from your bank account. The Plan is used to build up credit towards your next delivery of home heating oil. The amount you save each week / month is entirely up to you, however we do recommend a minimum of €100 per month. This is based on purchasing 1,000-1,500 litres per year.
When you place your home heating oil order (minimum order being €250) just ask one of our staff how much credit you have saved up. If you haven’t enough credit on your account to cover the cost of your delivery, you can pay the balance by laser / credit card when ordering. Alternatively you can pay cash on delivery for any short fall. If your account remains in credit after your order it will
be used towards your next order as you continue to save with us.
You can find our Direct Debit Mandate here return it to us at the address above and we will do the rest.
McGuckian Oils Limited
Carrigtwohill Industrial Estate
County Cork
Tel: 021-4881190
Fax: 021-4881193
Email: info@mcguckianoils.ie